Yeah....Day 3. I pretty much made my own meals today which made it kind of difficult to count calories exactly. Jenny Craig really helped me learn how to do that but I've lost practice. I would venture to say I hate about 1500-1600 calories, all of which were healthy. The only "sweets" I had were the creamer I put in my coffee and the 100 calorie suzie q cupcakes I ate after supper. I guess although I didn't stick to my 1200 calories, I can see that the food choices I did make were healthy, maybe I just had too many. I can't be too hard on myself. I did much better than I normally do on my days off, I really did. I also logged in just over an hour on the treadmill this morning.
Tomorrow I hope to be to work by 6 am and work until 3. This means I won't be able to get a workout in in the morning. I have a VERY busy day at work tomorrow, full of clients and now, I just found out, court. Hopefully, I won't have time to get hungry. Worst case scenario is that I eat out of stress. I will continue to pray for strength and self-control. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipian 4:13 (Including eating healthy and losing weight.)
Letter or Sticky note
12 years ago