Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back Home

I don't know what got into me but somewhere between my last post and before we boarded the plane to head for home I picked up some kind of 48 hour bug. I started to feel sick shortly after breakfast and while I complained that we were once again seated in the very last row of the airplane it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We were as close to the bathroom as we could be and I could discreetly hustle in there as needed, which ended up to be about 5 times during the flight from Las Vegas to MPS.
I felt nauseous, had body aches and chills, and other symptoms I don't care to discuss right now. We didn't get home until about 11 pm on Tuesday evening and I slowly climbed into bed for what I thought would be some serious sleep. I awoke many times during the night trying to fight the urge to puke. I won that war but Wednesday found me better but still very tired and weak. I did muster the energy to climb onto our Club Cadet and mow for a few hours. I figured if I just had to sit I would be alright. Towards the end of the day my energy slowly returned and I cranked out about 4 loads of laundry, with more waiting to be done.
I did the math and I figured with 6 people in my family with each of us wearing at least 1 outfit per day for 8 days that equals 48 outfits. Wow! I didn't realize we owned that many pieces of clothing.
We are sitting here now looking at our expenditures for the trip and I think we did pretty well. I would list them but that seems kind of weird but if anyone is interested I'm happy to share. (Why anyone would be interested, I don't know but, hey, who knows??)
Back to my realty...running kids, pulling weeds, cooking, mowing, giving orders, know the drill. Glad to be home!!


jfajdfakjfkjasdf134234124 said...

Make sure you post some pictures :) I hope you feel better soon.

michaelg said...

I think Curt caught your bug, or something similar. He's been down all day. :o(

janban said...

I'm sorry to hear that! Its yucky. I think I was still feeling some of it a week later. Hope he's feeling better!!